My favorite Christmas tradition as a kid was getting a package at the bottom of our bed the night before Christmas. It was usually pajamas, slippers or a robe. Something like that and all four of us got the same thing, but a different style or color. Although it was usually some kind of clothes, it was always fun finding a package at the bottom of our bed. My mom and dad figured if we got new sleepwear, we would look good in the pictures that dad always took on Christmas morning.
One year when the three of us girls shared a room, we had triple bunk beds! I was on the top in case you're wondering. Anyhow, one of us woke up at 2:00 a.m. on Christmas Eve (technically, it was Christmas morning) and opened are packages right then. My parents heard us and came in telling us to go back to sleep because it was too early to get up. We were just excited.
Why not surprise your children this year and put an early present at the bottom of their bed tonight? I bet they'd like it!
That's such a great idea! A little taste of what's to come in the morning.
Merry Christmas, Karen!
That really is a great idea. This year we did "homemade Christmas" all gifts had to be made by the giver. My little guy has had so much fun making gifts...he started this summer. I think it may be one that we keep
That is a great idea! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sweet. Karen, I wish you a Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours. :)
I really like that idea!
I am such a traditionalist, and don't like it when the kids beg to open a present early.
Something like a present at the foot of their bed could very well do the trick!
Thanks again for the tip and Merry Christmas!
Great idea! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!! Wishing you the best!
Merry Christmas Karen!
What a wonderful idea and how special your parents made your Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. I'm glad you all like this idea and hopefully you will try it with your kids. I tried it with my husband one year, but it didn't work so well. He kicked it off while sleeping and I had to tell him it was there in the morning.
Hi Karen,
My husband and I never did that to children, but we used to have them each open one or two presents on Christmas Eve. Your tradition is a good one also.
Happy New Year!
I forgot to tell you, my sister-in-law gave me your book as a Christmas gift. I haven't read it yet, though. Still busy.
Thanks also for my ad in your site.
Sounds like a wonderful tradition, Happy Holidays to you!
We don't have kids, but I'm definitely doing this when we do. Thanks for the cute idea! A couple of years ago my parents felt sorry for me because my husband was offshore for Christmas, so my mom gave me an amazing new pair of PJ's. Now I'm wishing she would have put them at the end of my bed lol!
Neat idea...maybe next year if I can get my daughter to sleep in her own bed, lol.
I enjoyed your slide show above. What an interesting person your father must have been!
Glad you all liked this idea. It's a wonderful memory and definitely kind of fun, especially if the kids aren't expecting it!
when we were young we did not get to open our gifts untill Christmas morning than Mom and Dad started letting us open out gifts up on christmas eve that way they could sleep in .
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