Gifts Growing up, us kids got him mostly ties or flannel shirts which were always his favorite kind. I always thought it would be so much easier if he liked sports because then I could get him sporting equipment or team apparel, but he had absolutely zero interest in sports. As I got older, I got more creative. Here are some of the gifts I got for him:

(1) a mail holder that said "With love . . . a Father is a Special Friend, thanks."
(2) a bird bath.
(3) Lumberjack jacket.
(4) a gift card to Home Depot.
(5) Tim Conway and Harvey Korman video.
(6) a sign for his desk which said, "Please Don't Straighten the Mess on My Desk, You'll Goof Up My System!"
(7) an L.L. Bean bomber hat.
(8) a cap that said "I have one speed, slow."
(9) Fleece shirts with a zipper instead of buttons when his fingers didn't work so well anymore.
He Bought Himself A Present:

Here's the Contest Part:
My dad always said not to go spending a lot of money on him. He was always thinking of others, even on his birthday. That's why I know he would not be pleased about this ad.
To make matters worse, in chatting with some other authors at Author and Book Event Center. I learned that newspaper ads are pretty much a waste of money when it comes to marketing a book. All I can do at this point is hope they are wrong. I am embarrassed to admit how much I paid for this little ad but if one of my readers guess the price before Christmas day, I will send you an autographed copy of "My Funny Dad, Harry" in honor of his birthday. (hint: It's a nice round number.) I know he would say I was very foolish to pay what I did, although he would be nice about it. Live and learn!
Leave your guess in the comments and the first one to guess the correct amount, wins. If you have a blog, I can let you know on there if you are the winner. If not, you can leave me an email address so I can contact you if you win.
I miss you, dad. It's hard to believe it'll be two years without you in February. I still think about you and mom every day!
Hmmmmmmmm...I have no idea whether I'm even in the right ballpark here, but I'll say $100. don't laugh if this is a ridiculous guess! LOL
Lemon pie is my favorite! I loved reading about your Dad and birthdays and presents.
Maybe you will get some response from your NY Times ad. Sorry it was so tucked away.
My guess is 500.00.
I already have a book, but I want to play anyway. $200?
Higher than all these first 3 guesses.
Wow, you really did spend a lot. Okay, I'll say $750.00.
Have a great day. :)
Oh, you really had a very neat dad by the way. :)
A nice round number...hmmm...zeros are nice and round. How about $1,000.000? That's got lots of nice, round zeros (though I sure hope I'm not correct - yikes!)
Karen C.
I know, I don't know what I was thinking!!! It's still higher! Actually, let me explain I kinda know what I was thinking. Keep in mind though this was before I had my little chat with other authors, but when we sold my dad's house, we got like $69,000 for it which I put into our savings and earmarked some for our basement remodeling and some for our new Kia (both of which my dad would approve of) and the rest I figured I'd use for marketing my book so one mantra is take advantage of every opportunity which is what I was thinking at the time. The deadline for December was in just a few days so it was kind of like a impulsive decision--I should know by now not to make big decisions on impulse, but like I said, I goofed!
Hi! You have a great blog. I love all the pictures of cats. Thanks for visiting mine. You have a great idea about donating the book.
I am going to guess $1,750.
In my excitement to guess, I forgot to tell you happy early birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! December is a lovely month for a birthday. :)
The New York Times, eh? Well, I;m going to guess $2,500. I hope I;m right because your book looks very interesting. Even if I don't win, I'll be looking for it at the bookstore or library.
Have a great birthday.
Well now we have a range:
higher than $1750 but lower than $2500.
Wow, that's a lot of money for sure. I'd never have guessed that high.
Karen - thank you for the comments on my blog. I was so happy to have you visit. I've enjoyed your posts about your dad. . . it's touching to see how much you loved him. . . and how he liked flannel shirts! I visit just about every day (you'll know when I do). I don't want to guess at the cost of the ad - it might not earn back the cost but I am sure it was what our dad would have wanted.
I'm going to guess $2,200. I enjoyed your post today!
Lower than $2200.
Hey there, Karen! Is it $1,800? ;o)
Abelle, Higher.
If I am allowed to guess again, I'd say it's $2,00 ;o)
Yes, we have a winner! Congratulations, Abelle! For all the others who ventured guesses, if you email me with your address at, I will send you a nice bookmark as a consolation prize. It has a picture of the book cover with a short description on back with the publisher's website on it where you can order from.
WOW! it's good! Your all posts are good. i am enjoying your blog very much. Thanks for a very nice sharing..
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