Friday, October 31, 2008

Harry's Halloween Tip--How To Hand Out Candy

Sorry this is a bit late for this year, but I just thought of it when I was handing candy out to our trick-or-treaters tonight. My mom and dad always loved seeing the kids' costumes on Halloween and were always generous with the candy. He always bought plenty to make sure he didn't run out and usually gave them more than one piece too! Any leftovers he gave to me so he would ask me what kind he should get.

Opening and closing the door to hand out the candy was very cumbersome because our door opened so close to the side railing on the porch, that you had to open it real wide to get the candy in the kids' bags and they usually were crowded up close because they were anxious for the candy. They always had to back up when he opened the door.

He came up with what I thought was a very good idea. He would wait until Halloween night to remove the screen door and then he could just hand the candy right through the door without having to open it. Pretty clever, huh? Then either at the end of the trick-or-treating or the next day, he would put in the storm door.

Hope you have a happy and safe Halloween! Maybe you could use this idea next year!


Ailurophile said...

Your Dad was very smart as he was kind. Have a Happy Halloween :)

Marrid66 said...

What a great idea!

Karen aka marrid66

Here On Columbia Avenue

Da Boss And Bryguy

4 Cats Make Me Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's what we did last night. Decided I didn't want to sit in the cold to hand out candy for two hours, so I took the bottom window out of the screen door and sat in my warm house.

Loved it!

glenna said...

That is a great idea. ;-)


That's a clever one!

Stopping over from SITS :o)

"My Funny Dad, Harry" Book Giveaway

Congratulations to all the winners of the giveaway for "My Funny Dad, Harry" at Red Pine Mountain. I am so happy that four of my regular commenters won! Read what Tim thought of it at Everyday Living.