Just like the dandelions return each year around this time, so this post has returned. I know some of you are new to this blog since this was first posted and it is one of my more popular posts so I hope you don't mind me using it again. So far we only have a couple dandelions in our front yard because Gerard put on the Scott's Turf Builder in time this year. Many other yards on our street are covered with them! Good job, Gerard!
Today Gerard and I went to the park and stopped at this bench to read for a little bit. I looked around and saw all these dandelions! I remembered how dad always had a yard full of them and whenever we would mention it, dad would say, "I like them, they're so pretty! Just because someone calls it a weed doesn't mean they're not pretty." I think he had a point there. What do you think? Gerard says they still look like weeds to him.
(re-posted from 4/25/09)
Well, people say dandelion greens are good for us! And personally I think the flowers are pretty. However, I'm going to have to go out and dig all of mine up because my neighbor is threatening to spray Round-up on them before they migrate to her yard!
I always like seeing the yellow flowers suddenly there in amongst the grass, it's a nice sign that spring has sprung. :)
--Beth (aka, Edna)
If only we know how to manage our yard... Our nature is teeming with life.
i think they're pretty.just trim them every once in a while to keep them neat.well-manicured greens look great on any lawn.i agree with your dad,they're pretty and should be left alone.pls don't weed them out.
Hi Karen,
I think they're very pretty, too. I just don't want them in my yard. Only because my neighbors keep their yards dandelion-free that if any dandelions start growing in their yards, I would be blamed.
Ohhh....the sneezing they can cause me :) . Yep- they're in my back yard too.
they're the prettiest weeds! :)
Homestay Mama: That's funny about your neighbor, maybe you should just let them.
Margie & Edna: You're right, definitely a sign of spring! Too bad real flowers don't grow as easily.
Yeokeehui: Do you have a big yard? Our's is pretty small.
Femmepower: We did leave them alone, but when they started growing in the cracks in his driveway, I did at least pull those out.
Tashabud: It's nice you are so considerate of your neighbors!
Harriet: Roses make me sneeze. Dandelions generally don't.
Liza: I agree.
So far I don't have any in my yard, but I will always remember my daughter bringing me bouquets of dandelions so, of course, I love them!
A weed is technically "an unwanted plant".
So, weeds are in the eye of the beholder.
I think Dandelions are kinda pretty, too. In my lawn, that is. I don't want them in my flower beds. So, I'm not sure how I should classify them.
Bill digs them out, but I think they're pretty.
Sammawow: Yes, the dandelion bouquets; I think I brought home a few of those on occasion.
Speak Dog: So then maybe they weren't weeds in my dad's yard after all since he didn't mind them being there.
Jude: Interesting how people are split on this dandelion issue, LOL!
It's only a weed if you don't like it. I like them too.
Have a terrific day. :)
I think they are weeds too.
Thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for the award! I apologize for not getting back to you sooner
Like other top tonic plants the world has known, the dandelion is surrounded by legends. The plant has been said to predict just about anything you can imagine, from the weather to the number of children a bride will have. Many people use the existence of these superstitious beliefs as a reason to discredit a plant’s use in folk medicine, but this is a mistake. When a culture bothers to create myths around a plant, it is because the plant has some proven power. Thank you for posting this information. By the way, did you by chance see this article about Zootoo’s shelter makeover?
Congrats on your book. You left me a comment on my other blog Chronic Chick Talk. Thanks for the blog about writing.
Your Dad and I think the same about dandelions.
i think the dandelion gets a bad rap! thanks for stopping by
I agree that weeds are just as pretty as the expensive plants. I have a friend that landscapes yards and he goes around collecting weeds to use and grow. Take care.
We have no dandelions, my husband makes sure of that!
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